Several people were killed in an attack on a restaurant in Paris, French media reported.
The attacker opened fire with a pistol at a restaurant Cambodge.
Newspaper Liberation reports the death toll, official confirmation of this information yet.
Media reporters they says he saw about 10 people on the road who are either dead or seriously injured. In addition, there are reports of an explosion in a bar near the France - a stadium in a suburb of Paris.
While the assault at the Bataclan theater, Paris, had not yet been given, the President of France Francois Hollande has been decreed emergency throughout the country and announced the closure of borders.
The council of government ministers also adopted a decree allowing "the house arrest of any person whose activity is dangerous, the temporary closure of theaters and meeting rooms, the surrender of weapons and the possibility of conduct administrative searches."
The state of emergency gives the authorities including the power to prohibit the movement of people, to order house searches day and night and to take measures to ensure control of the press and publications.
In addition to these security measures, control at the 285 border crossings of the country were established.
This is the fourth time since 1958 that the French government decreed a state of emergency. The last time was in 2005, during the riots that shook the suburbs of the country.