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Olympics Paris 2024: Simone Biles Eats a Store-Bought Chocolate Croissant, "An Insult to Pastry"

Simone Biles caused an uproar in France by eating a store-bought chocolate croissant, considered an affront to the country’s pastry tradition.

A culinary misstep that caused a scandal... at least among the French. This weekend, champion Simone Biles posted a video on her TikTok account of herself eating store-bought chocolate croissants from the Carrefour brand.

The English soundtrack of her video says, "Yum, give me fourteen immediately!" implying she enjoys the treat. However, this video sparked a wave of criticism from French internet users, who went so far as to call her culinary choice a "blasphemy" against French pastry.

An Offense to the Country’s Baking Tradition

By eating a supermarket-bought chocolate croissant, still wrapped in plastic, the gymnast often called "the greatest of all time" shocked many French people. For many, this culinary choice is seen as an offense to the country’s baking tradition.

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