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United States: JD Vance Couch Story

An extravagant rumor has taken over social media in the United States, aimed at discrediting James David Vance, Donald Trump's running mate for the 2024 presidential election. According to this rumor, J.D. Vance allegedly had illegal relations with a couch.

The rumor started on July 15 when a user on X (formerly Twitter) posted a message claiming that James David Vance, Ohio senator and author of the bestseller "Hillbilly Elegy," had a sexual encounter with a couch. This user claimed that Vance described this act in his autobiography, specifically between pages 179 and 181.

The post was quickly locked by its author, but that didn't stop the story from spreading virally.

Social media seized on this rumor, with many ironic or mocking posts. For example, one user wrote: "I don’t think we should have a couch fornicator (sic) as vice president. Or is it just me? Sorry JD." Another shared an image of actor Danny DeVito emerging naked from a couch, accompanied by the comment: "The couch, 9 months after JD Vance banged it."

Despite the rumor's widespread reach, it is completely false. According to the Associated Press (AP), no such mention exists in J.D. Vance's book. The passage in question actually describes his early days at Ohio State University and his experience during his first lunch at Chipotle, a fast-food chain.

J.D. Vance has yet to comment publicly on this rumor, but fact-checking has clearly established it as a fabrication intended to tarnish his reputation.

J.D. Vance, 39, became a public figure in the United States thanks to his book "Hillbilly Elegy," which recounts his youth in rural and poor America. His association with Donald Trump as a running mate for the 2024 presidential election has drawn attention, and this rumor aims solely to discredit him.

The spread of this rumor highlights the challenges of misinformation in the social media age. Although completely unfounded, it quickly went viral, demonstrating the importance of verifying sources before believing or sharing such information.

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